Monday, February 16, 2009

A little more serious

Every so often I am reminded that my job is a little more dangerous than I chose to admit. This morning one of our crews was hit by a drunk driver. The medic was stepping into the side door of the truck and took most of the impact. She broke a leg, was knocked out, and has a few lacerations. The EMT working with her is my regular partner. Sounds like he got banged up a bit but no real damage. I can think back to several accidents our co-workers have been in and a lot of them have been pretty bad. This is the second that I can recall that involves our medic as a pedestrian. Your heart sinks every time you hear about one of these and we all hope our medics get well soon.

1 comment:

ElRae said...

Hope they will be okay. Be careful out there with all the crazies.