Friday, August 29, 2008

A world without kids

Recently Jared and I had a bit of a scare regarding the ability to have kids. Long story, but after some testing, all is well. I suppose it made both of us realize what a gift it is to be able to conceive without medical assistance or just doing it the "old fashioned way." Not only is it a blessing because we know that we aren't "broken" but conceiving with medical assistance is damn expensive! I don't have that kind of cash just hanging around. Trust me, if I did, we would have spent it already. As for now, we are just enjoying life without that burden on our shoulders. Of course we still have our pups and our kitty cat. They are all doing well but don't be expecting any adventures in Kindergarten with those three. Maybe we could have adventures in obedience school? Lord knows that little girl puppy needs it. Wow, she can jump! For such a short dog, she can jump so high, she and I come face to face! I am really close to calling the Dog Whisperer guy. Hey, they are accepting applications for the Southern California and Las Vegas areas. Hmmm, maybe I should? Of course, having a TV crew in the house would cause me to have to clean the house. Don't know if that is good or bad. Probably would be a good thing. I guess the point of this post is to tell all of you folks that do have kids, I really enjoy hearing all the stories about the little ones and some that aren't so little anymore. I just don't know if I am ready for telling little ones stories yet. I think for now we will stick to the stories about our furry kids and our most recent vacations. We want to get that out of our systems before we have to have a trailer to pack up all the necessities for a weekend getaway. I've seen what it takes to get Donna's kids to Disneyland. HOLY CRAP! Speaking of weekend getaways...We went down to Lake Havasu to stay with my Godfather this week. We only stayed for a day and a half, but we had such a great time. Uncle Johnny took us out on his beautiful boat and he even let me drive. WOOO HOOO! The two of us realized how great it would be to be able to go down there on a whim, stay in an RV park, and go boating all day. So on our shopping list is: An RV (room enough for 2 dogs and 1 fat kitty) a boat, (not so loud that it will scare the pee out of the dogs) and plenty of sun screen for me. (some day I will learn that just because I have SPF 70 on before I go in the water, I will still need to reapply) My back is REALLY burned! But on the flip side, the places on me that I burned a few months ago, actually tanned a bit. Or maybe my freckles just got closer together? Well, I suppose that is it for now. We are having our nurse friends over tonight for an intense Wii session. Just FYI Wii is the best! I better get some cleaning done.


Donna said...

I'm impressed with a new blog post... FINALLY!

Love ya! And you can borrow my kids anytime you want to rethink having kids! ;)

Judy said...

Yeah!! you posted!! Don't you wish you had 4 kids and a pup like me?

Lots of Love!

ElRae said...

It is possible to travel after children, it just takes a bit more planning. Plus they usually come one at a time and you would have lots of practice before you got to 3. : ) Sounds like a fun trip! Had a great time scrappin' last night. We will have to check out some dates for late October.

*CaRoLyN* said...

yeeeeaa! A blogger friend! I'm over myspace it's all about bolgspot. :)