This past Saturday I got together with my girlfriends and we had our Vagina Night. It is a spin off of our Vagina Breakfast Club, just happens to be at night. We all (Abbie, Melissa, Lisha, Gena, Shauna, DeAnna, Erika & I) met at DeAnna's house for our night. DeAnna had arranged for a lady to come and read our palms. I was leery at first but when I saw the information she was giving the other girls I just had to do it. I ended up going at the tail end of the evening and I am glad I did because I knew I would get all emotional. So here is what she had to say......
Things she knew:
I was sheltered as a child but was brought up with enough money so that I didn't have to go without.
I was in a job that I was now teaching others to do & my job had also changed within the past year.
My husband made less money than me & does want to move on to something else.
She also said that my relationship with my mother had only gotten very strong within the past several years.
I am a healer and I work independently.
She also mentioned I was a great teacher.
I am a risk taker.
I am not motivated by money.
I am family oriented.
These are things she said that cannot be proven or we have to wait a while to prove or disprove them.
My IQ has risen dramatically in the past couple of years (she said from around 130 to 180)
I have a long life ahead of me.
There will be three incomes that outlast both Jared and me.
We will be traveling a ton.
Jared's first business opportunity won't necessarily fail, it just won't be the money maker, the second one will be the money maker.
She sees two kids for us, the first being a very "girly" girl and the second will be a boy. She did mention the possibility for a third baby which would either be a girl or a super sensitive boy.
She also worked with Tarot cards. I have always wondered if my dad would have approved of Jared so we asked the cards if he did approve of him. I pulled my card and gave it to her, she never showed it to me and then said "I think you already know the answer." At this point I was thinking that I always had the feeling he approved of him, but her next question was in reference to if his approval will improve over time, the answer to that was yes. She asked a few more questions in reference to Dad's approval and I then asked if there was any difference in the answers seeing as my Dad was dead. She said absolutely, then she went on to explain that the first card she pulled was the death card & that's why she didn't show it to me. Once she found out the circumstances the cards explained a bit easier. We also consulted the cards on when babies would come. She said around 35 years old. If I can't get this done soon, I don't know that I want to start at 35. She then checked the cards & asked if we would have a baby in 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, and 1 year. The only yes was one year......we will see what happens there. I think it was very interesting & fun to see. You always need to be skeptical, but maybe this will help with keeping my mind on the right track.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
A little more serious
Every so often I am reminded that my job is a little more dangerous than I chose to admit. This morning one of our crews was hit by a drunk driver. The medic was stepping into the side door of the truck and took most of the impact. She broke a leg, was knocked out, and has a few lacerations. The EMT working with her is my regular partner. Sounds like he got banged up a bit but no real damage. I can think back to several accidents our co-workers have been in and a lot of them have been pretty bad. This is the second that I can recall that involves our medic as a pedestrian. Your heart sinks every time you hear about one of these and we all hope our medics get well soon.
Donna wants me to blog more
Ok, so I recently spent a weekend with my sister in St. George Utah......along with 75 of her closest friends from church and 3 frenemies. So, maybe my number is off, but there was a ton of friggin women there. I knew about 1/16 of them. We went for Scrapfest. It is a weekend scrapbooking retreat for the ladies. Most of them need to "get away" to do any scrapbooking because they have sniviling children at home that tend to get their boogers on their supplies. Sadly, I have no children but I was unable to escape someone else's boogers. It's ok, I've had my shots. I finished 16 pages and certainly made my sister and ElRae laugh. I also think Tricia was a little intrigued by our shenanigans and I am sure I got a chuckle or two out of her. I really enjoyed spending time with my sister, minus the kids. It's a very different conversation without kids. There are no interruptions for the "don't do that" "don't you touch that!" "Get off of there" "You be nice to your brother" I could go on, but I won't.....she hears it enough. I do wish my sister & I could spend more time together scrapbooking, or really just hanging out for that matter. She called me out and told me to blog about some stuff so here it is. Sorry if it isn't all that interesting to read.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Six Random Facts
Donna didn't tag me to do this, but I figured I would do it....
Six Random Facts about me:
1. Whistling drives me NUTS! I hate it when people whistle a song. Whistling to get some one's attention is ok, cat calling by day laborers is NOT ok. So, for all of you who just read this, don't do it just to make me crazy.
2. I hate the smell of peach candy. Mom LOVES the gummy peach rings and will blow it in my face cause she knows it drives me nuts. I guess its payback for being a impossible teenager. Watch, now she is going to eat them then whistle in my face.
3. I have to charge my iPhone frequently, especially while at work. It is such an amazing device & there is so much to do with it and so many things to play with. I lasted one shift at work before I realized I needed a car charger.
4. I wish I would have gone to medical school. Of course, the work towards that should have started in high school, but I wasn't thinking then. I see how easy medicine is and see these new residents and think "damn, I could have done that."
5. I am ready to do my spring cleaning & make huge donations to Goodwill. I want to go through every inch of the house and get rid of everything we don't need or want. I even left the last row of seats out of the Tahoe so I can LOAD it up.
6. I think that the only thing that will ever get my tile clean is Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I bought two 4 packs of them this weekend in preparation for the spring cleaning. They are the only thing that gets into the little holes in the tiles. Only problem is, I got a whole lotta tile in here and it will have to be done by hand.
Six Random Facts about me:
1. Whistling drives me NUTS! I hate it when people whistle a song. Whistling to get some one's attention is ok, cat calling by day laborers is NOT ok. So, for all of you who just read this, don't do it just to make me crazy.
2. I hate the smell of peach candy. Mom LOVES the gummy peach rings and will blow it in my face cause she knows it drives me nuts. I guess its payback for being a impossible teenager. Watch, now she is going to eat them then whistle in my face.
3. I have to charge my iPhone frequently, especially while at work. It is such an amazing device & there is so much to do with it and so many things to play with. I lasted one shift at work before I realized I needed a car charger.
4. I wish I would have gone to medical school. Of course, the work towards that should have started in high school, but I wasn't thinking then. I see how easy medicine is and see these new residents and think "damn, I could have done that."
5. I am ready to do my spring cleaning & make huge donations to Goodwill. I want to go through every inch of the house and get rid of everything we don't need or want. I even left the last row of seats out of the Tahoe so I can LOAD it up.
6. I think that the only thing that will ever get my tile clean is Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I bought two 4 packs of them this weekend in preparation for the spring cleaning. They are the only thing that gets into the little holes in the tiles. Only problem is, I got a whole lotta tile in here and it will have to be done by hand.
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Figures my 6th picture in my 6th album would be one of Donna's kids....Just goes to show how much I love them. I think having all these little critters has made me realize a few things...
*It's strange to hear someone call Donna "Mom"
*I want to have kids
*I don't want to have kids
*Kids are better than dogs
*Dogs are better than kids
*My dogs are better than other people's kids
*I can't believe Kelsie can squeal so loud. (For those of you who haven't had the privilege, she can break the neighbor's house
*Jace never fails to amaze me with his affinity for Star Wars and guns
*Ethan has the best giggle ever, no matter what it can put a smile on anyone's face
*Every birthday calls for cake
*Uncle Jared is a jungle gym, target, horsey, punching bag, & airplane
These things being said, I can tell you that the I want kids/I don't want kids thing changes constantly. Usually, when I am around those three. But I wouldn't trade them in for anything. I have the best niece & nephews ever. (But it sure is nice to go home and sleep through the night)
Let's also remember there was a point in my life, well we better call it a period, or maybe an era in my life that I DID want to trade Donna in. I am sure that those of you that know me well enough know that "my roommate growing up" and I, spent the first 20 or so years of my life hating each other, fighting, etc etc. But now, she is my best friend and I wish I would have realized it sooner. I love you sis! And I hope this made you cry, cause I am sitting her soaking up tears in my sweatshirt sleeves. Is my effing period coming. Jeez!
So, for the official part, I am tagging Becca, ElRae, Caroline, Judy, & two other people, cause not many people read this.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
One Problem Fixed, Another One Started
Well, I haven't taken pictures yet but the re-plumb of the house is officially done! I cannot believe how well they matched the paint. You literally can't tell where they cut into the walls. We were so amazed. There had been some loose ends to tie up over the past couple of days which resulted in me losing sleep because people were showing up at the house at ridiculous times. Ridiculous for my standards, since I go to bed around 5:30am. They even sent a cleaning crew in here to clean up the house. We were so happy to have this whole thing behind up. Then disaster struck! I came home Wednesday morning around 5:20am. I was tired and looking forward to crawling in bed. Once I made my way into the laundry room, my feet felt a bit odd. I was walking through water. I turned the light on and made my way down the hall. More sloshing around. Oh no what now? The water looked like it had started in the laundry room, made it's way down the hall, into both spare bedrooms, down the hall even further and into the spare bathroom. It actually made it's way to the toilet in the spare bathroom. I called Dynamic Plumbing & left a message and also called their "emergency" line. What a joke. The operator said she would leave a message at the office. I swear I just did that myself. I made an effort to sop up the mess with towels around the house. I could see where the water had gotten into the carpet in both spare bedrooms. Someone called me from Dynamic a bit later and he said someone would come out once they opened. I told them not to bother until around 9:30am when I knew Jared would be home from work. The damage had been done. While I was sleeping, a rep from Dynamic came out and they are found the problem. A recycle hose for the water softener had been incorrectly hooked up to the drain where the washer drains. It spilled over and viola, there's our mess. I came home last night around 11:30pm to put the dogs in their kennels and everything was fine. But we have the water softener set to recycle at 3am. Imagine the damage had I gotten off later or not gotten up till later, or hell used the front door instead of the garage. They have to come in with fans tomorrow and run them for about 3 days. They are going to quarantine off the area and dry it out. Then the fun begins Monday. They will pull the base boards up, cut a foot of drywall off in the effected areas and then have to replace that, texture and paint it. Looks like more fun and games for us. Probably be another week or so until this is done. Tonight we moved everything out of the office and tried to clear as much space as possible. What a mess. I had to call off of work to be available to clean up and I won't be getting much sleep with all the construction going on. Who knows what I will have to do next week, luckily my boss is going to work with me on it and Dynamic is going to have to pay me for the time lost from work. Well, I better get some sleep before the mayhem begins in the morning.
Friday, January 23, 2009
What a difference a day makes....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
So, we have known for a while that our house was part of a class action law suit against Kitec for a plumbing fitting used in our plumbing. We knew it would involve a re plumb of our entire house. Well, things finally got underway today. Well, lets take that back to the 15th of January. We had a guy come out and inspect the house. He then told Jared that by the 22nd we had to have everything cleared out from beneath the sinks and a few things moved away from walls. We had things ready for them, they were scheduled for 9am today. At 7:30 am today, I had them greet me as I tried to leave for work. A man who had to speak through a translator informed me that he was supposed to already be in my house putting plastic down to protect from this job. I went in the house and told Jared they were already trying to start the work. He took his time getting ready, as well he should, and let them in around 8:30. Once the guys got in they told Jared they would have to get to several more places in the house than the first guy told us. They spent the first hour helping Jared move all of the furniture and gaining access to the places in the walls. I got a phone call from Jared around 10:30 and he said our house was all cut up and there was a whole ton of drywall that had to be cut out. Well, as you can see in the pictures below, this is quite an undertaking. We also would have no water for the majority of the day. Our floor was covered in plastic, our walls were cut to hell, and our pipes redone. Long story short, they finished up around 5pm today and water was restored. Tomorrow we wait for the inspector to come in and sign off on the plumbing, then the dry wall guys come in and hang the drywall and texture. Once that is done, they get to paint. And as you can see we don't exactly have white walls that will be simple to match. The room in red was originally painted black. We had to put 3 layers of Kilz over it, grey primer and then two coats of red. Good luck matching that boys! Hopefully this will be a smooth process but I don't see it working that way. Right now, I have to figure out where we are going to put the bed from the spare bedroom, seeing as it is on top of mine. I plan to be sleeping in an hour. The up side to this is that we are getting it fixed now as opposed to if something blows up. So lets see if I get this right....A hole in the front room to get to the outside faucet, holes in the island to get to kitchen sink, hole in the living room to get to the back yard faucet, hole in hallway for spare bath, NUMEROUS holes in office to get to spare bath, huge holes in laundry room, and washer is in garage, NUMEROUS holes in spare bedroom to get to garage lines, outdoor faucet, and master bath, holes in our toilet room. Plus we have plastic everywhere. I have to climb underneath to get clothes out of the closet. This is fun, really it is. I had to have my mom "cat sit" because Lightning would have run outside the first chance he got. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. Wish us luck. If I can still get to the computer tomorrow I will try and update.
Had to move the couch to get here.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Colorado Avalanche

Jared and I had the opportunity to go to a Colorado Avalanche game in Denver this past weekend. We had so much fun. We went with our good friends Andy & Kristee and their son Jacob. (Who is 3 days younger than Jace) We flew in on Friday morning and spent most of the day Friday touring the town, going to malls and of course eating. We got to go to one of my favorite places to eat, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. For those of you who have not had the pleasure, it is a seafood place, (they have other stuff too) that centers around the movie Forest Gump. The wait staff even asks you trivia questions about the movie. We got them all right, in case you were wondering. The game was an early one on Saturday. The Avalanche played the Pittsburgh Penguins. The reason we chose to go to this particular game was because not only did we want to see our team play but we also wanted to see Sidney Crosby. For those of you who don't follow hockey, he is quite the phenomenon. I don't know all his stats but he was drafted at 18 and was the youngest player ever to make captain at 20. He is a great player for being so young.....our team still won though! It was such a fun game and I got to try out my new camera and extra lens. The zoom was amazing. We were sitting in the "club seats." They are on the second level but the hang over the first level. We were in the front row so we had a great view. I won't bore you with all of the 491 pictures I took before and during the game, but they were awesome. I would have to say that it was one of the best weekends ever. We had so much fun. I think the trip there definitely sparked my interest in moving away from Las Vegas some day. Of course if we do make it anywhere near Denver I will have to get season tickets for the Colorado Avalanche. The seats on the glass are only about $8000 per person, per season. That's reasonable right? Well, I wouldn't need seats on the glass but hey a girl can dream can't she? These are a few of the other pictures we took. We can't wait to be able to go to another game. Hopefully we will be able to make it to one in Anaheim in March.
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